How to Cover Acne With Makeup

Those pesky blemishes always seem to pop up at the worst possible times. Whether you have a job interview, a date, or another significant life event, a blemish suddenly appears right on cue. Or maybe you're just constantly dealing with breakouts.
Acne doesn't discriminate and can affect people of all ages and genders. No matter what you do, it feels like you can never have perfectly clear skin. Makeup can be an excellent tool to help you hide what you can't make disappear. It can give you the appearance of clear skin even in the middle of a breakout.
However, it’s easy to go wrong when applying makeup to acne. The incorrect formulas or application techniques can leave you looking cakey or even draw attention to the acne you were trying to conceal.
We are going to fill you in on some makeup tips and tricks to help you cover your acne so you can enjoy whatever life brings without thinking about how your skin looks.
Causes Of Acne
Before we dive into covering your acne, let's go over what acne is and some causes of this skin condition.
What Acne Is
Acne is a skin condition that happens when your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples.
Even though acne is most common among teenagers, older people also struggle with acne.
Severe acne can lead to serious scarring that won't fade without treatment. If you don't want scarring to occur, it’s so important to avoid picking at your pimples.
Causes Of Acne
There are a few main causes of acne.
Excess Oil Production: If you have overactive oil glands, it can lead to your pores being clogged, producing acne.
Bacteria: Bacteria on the skin can activate an immune response that leads to acne.
- Inflammation: Inflammation can cause redness and swelling that results in acne.
Now that we know what causes acne, let's go over some things that can trigger acne.
Hormonal changes: Hormones during puberty can cause the sebaceous (oil) glands to enlarge and make more sebum. You can also just have hormones out of whack at any point in your life, leading to acne.
Certain medications: Different medications can cause acne-like testosterone. So, be sure to talk to your doctor and dermatologist if you think something you're taking could be causing acne.
Diet: Studies show that some foods may worsen acne. However, more studies need to happen before a diet can be recommended to prevent acne.
- Stress: While stress doesn't cause acne, stress can worsen acne if you already have it.
Best Foundation For Acne
Now that you know the causes and triggers for acne, let's go over the best foundations for acne-prone skin.
- Mineral Foundation: Mineral-based foundations can be a good option for acne-prone skin. They don't usually have a lot of ingredients that can potentially clog your pores. Some can even have a little bit of acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid, which helps correct the abnormal shedding of cells that lead to more acne.
- Liquid Foundation: Liquid foundation is also an excellent option for people that struggle with acne. It is vital to have an oil-free formula, though oil can clog your pores, which is the last thing you want.
HIDE Premium Foundation is oil-free, lightweight, and long-lasting, making it the perfect option for someone with acne-prone skin.
Applying Foundation
Applying whatever foundation you choose correctly is crucial for all-day coverage.
If you are using a mineral powder, use a foundation brush designed for powder foundation. A fluffy powder brush you use for translucent powder won't lead to the best results. A foundation brush will help you blend out the foundation into a flawless finish.
If you are using a liquid foundation, you can also use a foundation brush. You just want one a little denser than a powder foundation brush since it's a thicker product.
An essential tool to covering acne is a makeup sponge. It's one of the easiest to use because you can dab and press the product into your skin where you have acne for maximum coverage. Although you are gently using the sponge, it's harder to dab and press like this with a brush. You want to wet your sponge before you use it, so it's softer and doesn't absorb a lot of product. Always dab your sponge to build up coverage; dragging just moves foundation around.
Best Concealer For Acne
Once you are done putting your foundation on, you can go in with a concealer for the finishing touches.
You never want to apply thick layers of foundation trying to cover your acne because you will quickly have a cake face. You always want to apply thin layers of whatever product you're using. After a few thin layers of foundation, use a concealer for targeted coverage.
There are several different forms of concealer. Stick, cream, and liquid are the main types of concealer. However, if you have acne-prone skin, you may want to stay away from cream and stick foundations since they are very heavy products that can clog your pores. Liquid concealers still allow your skin to breathe while still offering high coverage.
HIDE Premium Concealer is a water-based oil-free formula that will last all day and not budge.
How To Apply Concealer
You want your concealer to be a perfect match to your foundation when covering a blemish. The same color will allow you to blend it out effortlessly into your skin, while the wrong color will draw more attention to the area.
The only time you don't want to do this is if the blemish is in an area where you brighten, like your under-eye area. If you are going to go over this area with a lighter concealer anyway, you don't need to use a concealer that matches your foundation.
You may also want to consider a color-correcting concealer if your acne is super red. A green concealer can cancel out the redness and make it easier to cover.
So once you finish with your foundation and color-corrector, apply a thin layer of concealer over your acne. Next, gently dab the concealer into your skin with a damp makeup sponge to blend it out. Again, try not to rub the concealer in because this won't result in maximum coverage.
When you are done with all your liquid products, dab off any excess oil sitting on the skin with a tissue. Finally, apply a thin layer of translucent powder to remove any shine and lock in your makeup. HIDE products have a soft-matte finish, so you may not need powder but consider your skin type. If you have very oily skin, a little powder won't hurt.
What Not To Do
Let's go over some things you may want to avoid.
Don't Put Too Much On: We went over this briefly, but just to reiterate, less really is more! We know it can be hard to fight the urge to lay it on thick when you have acne, but thin layers can cover your acne too!
Your makeup can cover your acne without your skin looking cakey or dry. If you're wearing too much product, it may end up drawing more attention to your skin, which is the opposite of what you want.
The less makeup, the more your skin can look like skin, just a little smoother than before.
Don't Use Expired Makeup: Expired foundation and concealer can negatively affect your skin, even if you don't have acne. It can cause acne because it can clog your pores or lead to unhealthy skin.
The shade of the makeup can also change when it's expired. When you're covering your face, you definitely want the products to match your skin tone! If they don't, it may end up looking like you're wearing a mask.
Don't Sleep With Makeup On: This is one you've probably heard before, but it's crucial to follow this rule when you have acne.
Sleeping in your makeup can lead to clogged pores and even more acne. You want to give your skin a chance to breathe and heal. Your skin will thank you for cleaning it off, using moisturizer, and even applying some acne-fighting products. You can do none of this if you sleep in your makeup. Try a toner at night to make your skin look healthier and keep your skin the right shade to match your makeup.
In Summary
Be kind to your skin and yourself. Struggling with acne can feel overwhelming and discouraging, but there are things you can do to gain your confidence back.
Find a foundation and concealer that matches your skin tone and gently apply it to your face. Set your products with translucent powder, so you don't have to worry about touch-ups. At night, take your makeup off and treat your skin.
HIDE products won't make your acne worse, and they offer excellent coverage all day.
Acne - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic
Recent advances in the endocrinology of the sebaceous gland | US National Library of Medicine
Acne Treatment & Medication for Pimples, Blackheads, & Whiteheads | Web MD